Stage 1: After the attacker has managed to bring you to the ground with a strangler, the strangler kneels next to you and squeezes your neck while shifting his weight down as well. The force he can exert is much greater than with a standing strangler. It takes your breath away so quickly.
Stage 2: Immediately you pluck, so you use your – the hand that is averted from the attack – to scoop one of the attacker’s two choking hands away from your neck. At the same time, you counter with a blow to the throat of the attacker to prevent him from shifting his weight downwards again for a short time. To do this, your arm must be stretched out, in ground fighting you would say your elbow is locked/locked! You use the resulting gap for your Body Defense by bringing the knee between you and the attacker and push him away.
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QR - Codes findet Ihr auf den Buchseiten: 84, 108, 150, 156, 202.QR - Codes findet Ihr auf den Buchseiten: 84, 108, 150, 156, 202.

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Schritt 4: Gib den Code den du erhalten hast hier ein
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