Krav Maga Seminars

Krav Maga has become a popular Israeli self-defense technique in 2019, which was then used by the Israel Defense Forces. As a civilian you can learn Krav Maga too! No matter how old you are or who you are – with us you will learn different defensive techniques for self-defense. Arrange a trial training, visit us at our Krav Maga Institute in Cologne and register for our seminars in 2019!

Our seminars, which we offer again in 2019, have already satisfied numerous customers and strengthened their self-confidence. In 2019 it is more important than ever before to appear confident – no matter in which situation. Our Krav Maga courses are designed for all possible target groups and offer many different techniques for self-defense.

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Krav Maga – the modern contact fight

“Krav Maga” is Hebrew and is the literal translation of contact combat. The founder Imrich Lichtenfeld trained Israeli forces in the 1930s due to the numerous violent anti-Semitic attacks in Europe. “Don’t get hurt” – this is the motto of Krav Maga, which is constantly being optimized. The armed forces had to be prepared quickly and effectively for close combat. Therefore Imrich Lichtenfeld has brought Krav Maga to life. He was a resistance fighter and had the goal to protect the Jews from violent attacks. In 2019, it is more important than ever before to appear confident – no matter what the situation. Our Krav Maga courses in 2019 are designed for all possible target groups and offer many different techniques for self-defense.

In 2019, Krav Maga is widely spread all over the world and is one of the most successful techniques of self-defence today. Not only military and police units use the professional defence systems of Krav Maga – this kind of self-defence is also important and easy to learn for women and children. It is based on being able to defend oneself with all means. The war at that time was finally dominated by real brutality. The fighting spirit is awakened by everyone for whom self-defence plays an important role in life. Giving up is not an option! Until 2019 Krav Maga was still influenced by various martial arts such as boxing, wrestling and Jiu-Jitsu and is continuously being developed. Register for a trial training at our Krav Maga Institute in Cologne and learn self-defense techniques in 2019!

Krav Maga seminars for men, women and children

Our Krav Maga courses are designed for all possible target groups and offer many different techniques for self-defense. Since neither strength nor size is important in Krav Maga, its techniques for self-defence are not only for policemen and soldiers, but also for civilian men, women and children. Everybody will find the right seminar in 2019 and we also offer a special “Women Only” group. Here women learn to protect themselves especially against sexual assaults by men and to defend themselves. We also train women how to protect themselves against multiple attackers. Of course, it is important to strengthen self-confidence and physical fitness already in childhood. But in our training for children, fun plays a big role. Krav Maga also improves the coordination of our little fighters. We show them how to avoid conflicts and dangers with confidence.

  • Self-defense in the parking lot
  • Self-defense in the pool
  • Self-defense at the disco
  • Self-defence in public transport such as train, bus or plane
  • Self-defence in narrow and closed rooms and training halls
  • Self-defence in public during Krav Maga outdoor training
  • Only in our Krav Maga Institute in Cologne do you learn to prepare yourself realistically for dangerous situations. In our training in Cologne you learn to protect yourself. Register now for a trial training or our seminars 2019!

    Our most popular Krav Maga seminars

    Secure a place for 2019 in one of our exciting Krav Maga seminars and contact us at the Krav Maga Institute. We are constantly offering classes and seminars and would be happy if you register for a free trial training without obligation!

    Our seminars, which we will offer again in 2019, have already satisfied numerous customers and strengthened their self-confidence. Our Krav Maga seminars are designed for all possible target groups and offer many different self-defense techniques.

    Seminar nur für Frauen

    We offer a first-class Women-Only-Seminar especially for women at the Krav Maga Institut Köln Deutz. “Women Only” means that this seminar is a pure training for women. Here we show women how to defend themselves. All men who still see women as potential victims in 2019 will be taught a better lesson here. We teach women how to defend themselves against men. As there have been more and more attacks on women recently, we will receive more and more requests for effective training at the Krav Maga Institute in 2019. In our institute women practice under artificial stress and through intuitive reactions the defence not only against one person but against several attackers. Women are taught to always be a heavy target and never to freeze. In this seminar women learn to escape, to fight and also to defend themselves “unfairly”. We practice with them to recognize dangers, to evade them and to act correctly and uncompromisingly in case of an escalation. In the year 2019 it is more important than ever before to appear confident! Our Krav Maga seminars are also designed for women and offer many different techniques for self-defense.

    Course requirements for women

    The course is suitable for all women from 18 years of age (from 16 years of age accompanied by a parent or with a declaration of consent). No previous knowledge is required. Make sure to attend the seminar on self-defence for women in 2019!

    Here you can find all locations and the timetable

    Learn more

    Krav Maga Divisions

    The right training for everyone – use self-defence effectively!

    Krav Maga is suitable for everyone. You can learn self-defense in our regular courses or in individual seminars. Our training is aimed at men, women, teenagers or children – regardless of age, fitness or size. Women can learn effective self-defense in our mixed trainings as well as in our special “Women-Only” seminars. We also offer special training courses for police & justice, as well as for rescue services and the military.

    Civil Krav Maga for everyone

    Civil Krav Maga

    Self-defence for women

    Women Only Krav Maga

    Law Enforcement Krav Maga

    Law Enforcement Krav Maga

    Military Krav Maga for soldiers

    Military Krav Maga

    Self-defence for Kids & Teenagers

    Kids & Teens Krav Maga

    Customized Krav Maga

    Customized Krav Maga

    Krav Maga knife defense seminar

    Almost daily the media spread news about knife attacks. The tendency is rising, even if the attacks are not yet statistically recorded everywhere. A knife is unfortunately an easily available weapon and can be carried easily. In the “Knife Defending” seminar we will show you effective techniques for self-defence in case you are threatened or attacked with a knife. Krav Maga offers you these techniques, which also work great in stressful situations.

    Our seminar contents at a glance:

    • prevention and behaviour in case of knife threats
    • defence against stabbing and cutting attacks
    • Troubleshooting and survival in worst case situations
    • Defense of a third person

    We offer you a targeted and effective training on knife defence in our exciting Krav Maga “Knife-Defending” seminar. Learn how to best protect yourself in an emergency and be there in 2019! We are looking forward to you.

    Kravalaaf Seminar

    Carnival is our beautiful fifth season in Cologne and an occasion for friends and celebrations. Would you like to look forward to the time again and enjoy it without worries, even if the violent and sexual crimes increase from year to year? Then come to the Krav Maga Institute in 2019, because we have just the right thing for you – our special Krav Maga Seminar!

    With KRAVolution Krav Maga we will show you the most effective self-defense in the world. With us you will prepare yourself for carnival and learn how to defend yourself and assert yourself! Thereby we train situations, such as

    • big crowds, how do I move tactically and how do I escape
    • defences with limited movement possibilities
    • defenses against cylinder attacks, knife attacks
    • Defenses against multiple attackers, “Multiple Attacker”.
    • Self-assertion for women against sexual assault

    So that the seminar never lacks fun, we like to appear dressed up for the carnival. We reward everyone who appears dressed up with a discount on the seminar. Please inform us in advance about your costume at We are looking forward to the training!

    Law Enforcement Seminar

    If one follows current studies and surveys, the number of violent attacks on “BOS” members (authorities and organisations with security tasks, e.g. police, justice, fire brigade, etc.) increases from day to day. It is therefore not surprising that more and more police officers and prison officers, but also rescue workers, are exposed to massive violence in their everyday work and want to protect themselves from it or at least prepare themselves for it through self-defence training.

    In Krav Maga Law Enforcement Training it is not only about winning a competition, but also about avoiding a fight by tactical behaviour. If a fight does occur, one should be able to end it as soon as possible. The LE-seminar deals with the fixing of the attacker and the successful prevention of aggressive attacks on you and your colleagues in compliance with regulations and legal requirements. The seminar therefore includes team training, fixing, immobilising and tying up aggressive persons (among other things on or in the vehicle) as well as tactical behaviour from the anti-terrorism concept.

    No previous knowledge of Krav Maga is required to participate in this seminar! Register now for a trial training or our seminar 2019!

    Contact to our Krav Maga Institute

    In 2019, it is more important than ever to be able to defend yourself! Our Krav Maga seminars are designed for all kinds of target groups and offer many different techniques for self-defense. You have further questions about the Krav Maga Institute and need more information about the training or a seminar? Then simply contact us and secure a place in one of our exciting Krav Maga seminars for 2019!

    Here you will find dates for registration

    To the seminar overview
    To the seminar registration